Supporting Open Science: We help you show your work & share your work

Why OpenScholar supports Open Science

23,000 of you use OpenScholar for your lab and research sites.

When you show your work, share your work, and collaborate on research, magic happens: science advances, outcomes are accelerated.


How OpenScholar supports Open Science

  • Helping you show your work with easy-to-use & simple-to-update preset templates, designed with the researcher usage case in mind:
    • Attract people, funding and collaborators to your projects

  • We integrated with ORCID, PubMed and Google Scholar so you are never mis-identified and never miss a citation.

  • Best practice information architecture is baked in to our templates + encourages you to tag the keywords in your current research: 
    • Areas of investigation, pre publications, working papers, and software patents. That content lives on your OpenScholar site.
    • This boosts your SEO and find-ability online by fellow researchers.

  • LYNX--our search engine-- allows you to find fellow researchers based on the most common keywords tagged in current research.
    • Your next research partner might be right here on our network.

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